All images below were shot in the studio.
Compositing advantages include greater visual impact, reduced production complications, maximized image output, cost effectiveness and greater conceptual control.
Versailles, The Bahamas, Joshua Tree, the New York Skyline—where would you like to shoot? Through Matusik’s compositing technique, all studio locations are available at your fingertips, without even boarding a plane.

I've had the honor of working with Andrew Matusik for over 14 years. In that time, Andrew has created many of Genlux Magazine's most innovative and complex fashion photoshoots. He's taken us on photographic journeys to other parts of the world and to other worlds—all without leaving our home base in Los Angeles. He is super imaginative while also being technically adept at executing his vision. In a word often overused but appropriate in this case, Andrew is a genius.
-Stephen Kamifuji
Owner/Art Director of Genlux Magazine
Practical solutions to make the impossible image possible.

Published in several “art” issues of Genlux magazine. The images that were inspired by Rene Magritte were republished in Ds Standard Magazine (Brussels) for the grand opening of the Magritte Museum May 30th 2009. Later another image would be picked up by Italian Vogue in a feature (see insta for image).

Andrew Matusik has a Fine Art degree with an emphasis in painting. In the early years of the digital revolution, Matusik was at the forefront of driving the industry into the inevitable conversion away from film and into digital. He worked at the very first full-on digital capture studio in America. He helped pioneer digital workflow, retouching, prepress, and color profiling. In the early 2000s he pushed the medium with compositing, color grading, and the “multi-layered look” before it became all the “rage” in filters and apps. Matusik was able to publish all his visionary images pushing the norm of what was accepted as “photography.” But, 15-20 years later his images stand the test of time and his innovations have been part of the changing esthetic of image consumption and techniques standard in retouching and compositing.