Creating both Inspirational as well as aspirational photography is an art form. The key is capturing a moment in the environment that establishes both the mood and tells the essence of the brand’s story.

Producing video content and simultaneously shooting photo campaigns (especially on location) require an experienced production team. Every second must be maximized and there is no margin for errors.
Matusik and his team have delivered results for over 20 + years on four continents and multiple islands in three seas under a variety of conditions. Tapping into his experience with proven deliverables and legendary problem solving skills ensures your video and photography needs will be met.

I have traveled the world extensively and am always taking pictures. I have amassed 100s of images that can be seen on my art site:
My brain is like a pinball machine when I walk around the city stimulated by all the compositions my mind sees. I am obsessed with how “light” drapes the environment, I love the “tug of war” of positive and negative space as my “eye” seeks out compositionally balance.
Here is a small sampling of the work.